
Posts Tagged ‘Anomalies and Alternative Science’

sir fred hoyle

Sir Fred Hoyle

Sir Fred Hoyle, a famous UK astronomer, wrote: 

“A super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology … The likelihood of the formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number of 10 with 40 thousand noughts (zeros) after it. It is enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of Evolution. There was no primeval soup, neither on this planet nor on any other, and if the beginnings of life were not random they must therefore have been the product of a purposeful intelligence,” (Nature: vol.294:105, Nov 12 1981).


francis crick

Francis Crick

In 1982 Francis Crick, after discovering DNA, wrote: 

“An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the Origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have to be satisfied to get it going”(Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature, Futura, London 1982).

James Jeans

Sir James Jeans

In 1930 British physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: 

“Nature seems very conversant with the rules of pure mathematics … In the same way, a scientific study of the action of the Universe has suggested a conclusion which may be summed up… in the statement that the Universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician… the Universe can best be pictured, although still very imperfectly and inadequately, as consisting of pure thought… If the Universe is a Universe of thought, then its Creation must have been an act of thought. Indeed the finiteness of space compels us to think of the creator as working outside time and space, which are part of his Creation, just as an artist is outside his canvas,” (The Mysterious Universe p 146).


robert jastrow

Robert Jastrow

NASA astronomer Robert Jastrow wrote:

Robert Jastrow “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a Biblical view of the Origin of the world: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply in a definite moment of time, in a flash of light and energy”, (God and the Astronomers, page 14).


prof george greenstein

Professor George Greenstein

The astronomer George Greenstein wrote:

“As we survey all the evidence, the thought instantly arises that some supernatural agency, or rather Agency, must be involved. Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon the existence of a Supreme Being? Was it God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for our benefit? ” 


dr arno penzias

Dr Arno Penzias

Physicist and Nobel Laureate Arno Penzias wrote:

“Astronomy leads us to a unique event, an Universe which was created out of nothing, one with a very delicate balance needed to provide exactly the conditions required to permit life, and one which has an underlying (one might say ‘supernatural’) plan.” 

Robert Shapiro wrote: 

“The improbability involved in generating even one bacterium is so large that it reduces all considerations of time and space to nothingness. Given such odds, the time until the black holes evaporate and the space to the ends of the Universe would make no difference at all. If we were to wait, we would truly be waiting for a miracle”,

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A. The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory states that the Universe, galaxies, stars, planets arose, by chance, from a huge explosion between 5 and 20 billion years ago. We would like to make the following comments:

big bang theory

1. All observed explosions are destructive and not constructive.

2. Explosions cause spontaneous degeneration and not spontaneous generation.

3. All explosions decrease order and structure.

An illustrative example is that, if you blow up an aircraft factory, you do not end up with a Jumbo Jet by chance.

B. The Spontaneous Generation Theory
The Spontaneous Generation Theory states that all life on planet Earth descended from a common single-cell, arising by chance, in the “primordial ooze”, 3.5 billion years ago. This contradicts the Law of Biogenesis, which states that life comes from pre-existing life.

spontaneous generation theory

C. Time and Space had a finite beginning
Albert Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, and his General Theory of Relativity in 1915.

In 1968 and 1970 three British astrophysicists, Steven Hawking, George Ellis and Roger Penrose published papers in which they extended Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity to include measurements of time and space.

They discovered that time and space had a finite beginning that corresponded to the origin of matter and energy.

Hawking, Ellis and Penrose discovered that before this finite beginning, time and space did not exist!

D. The Spontaneous Generation theory contradicts the First Law of Thermodynamics

The First Law Of Thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics is often thought of as the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy. 

Quotations from the Concise Oxford Dictionary:

Definition of Mass: “A coherent body of matter with no definite shape”.
Definition of Matter: “A physical substance or material in general, as distinct from mind and spirit (in physics), which occupies space and possesses mass, especially as distinct from energy”.
Definition of Energy: “The property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to perform work”.

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the sum of the following energies in a closed system remains constant:

1. Kinetic Energy

2. Potential Energy

3. Thermal Energy

Matter, or its energy equivalent, cannot be either created or destroyed under natural circumstances. To explain the origin of matter in the atheistic Spontaneous Generation model, it is assumed that matter arose from nothing.

This is in direct contravention of the First Law of Thermodynamics which demands that Matter Cannot Create Itself. Logically there must therefore have been an “Outside Agency”, Who the Bible describes as God, Who created everything.

E. Evolution contradicts the Second law of Thermodynamics

In the Theory of Evolution it is proposed that “simple life” evolved into more complex life forms by Spontaneous Generation. Both Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and the Spontaneous Generation model both directly contravene the Law of Biogenesis.

The Second Law Of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the disorder in a system increases, rather than decreases. The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives a precise definition of a property called Entropy.

Entropy: Entropy can be thought of as a measure of the disorder in a system. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the Entropy, or disorder, of an isolated system can never decrease. In other words, in our Universe, a state of order progresses to a state of disorder.
For example:

– The Sun and the stars are burning up.

– The Sun is cooling down.

– The Universe is “winding down”.

– Ultimately there will be “heat death” of the Universe.

In other words, everything in our Universe tends to disorder. This principle of Entropy is exactly what the Bible teaches in the following Scriptures:

Hebrews 1:10-12, “Lord, in the beginning you made the Earth, and the Heavens are the work of your hands. They will disappear into nothingness, but you will remain forever. They will become worn out like old clothes, and some day you will fold them up and replace them. But you yourself will never change, and your years will never end”, TLB.

Psalm 102:25-27, “In ages past you laid the foundations of the Earth and made the Heavens with your hands! They shall perish, but you go on forever. They will grow old like worn-out clothing, and you will change them like a man putting on a new shirt and throwing away the old one! But you yourself never grow old. You are forever, and your years never end”, TLB.

In the world that we observe, nothing gets more ordered in design and structure, without an input from an external higher energy source.

The Coliseum in Rome 

The ColosseumThe Coliseum is not getting in a more ordered state by itself, but is in fact becoming less ordered, and will eventually collapse completely.

Evolutionists claim that adding energy to a system will increase the order in that system 


This claim is not borne out in observations.

– America added a lot of energy, in the form of nuclear bombs, to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. But America certainly did not increase order in either city. 

– The Sun’s energy is destructive to everything on Earth except one molecule called Chlorophyll, 

– The Sun will eventually burn the roof of our houses and turn the bricks to powder. 

Implications of Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics implies that the Universe could not order and provide energy for itself.

The order and energy observed in the Universe implies an “Outside Agency”, Who the Bible describes as God.

For further information from Dr Richard Kent please visit:

Evolution is Impossible

Creation, The Genesis Account




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The Law of Conversation of Angular Momentum causes very serious problems for the Big Bang Theory.

One way to understand the Law of Conversation of Angular Momentum is to illustrate this law of Physics with a practical example.

A roundabout in a children’s play area

Let us imagine that we have some children playing on a roundabout in a children’s play area.law of conservation of angular momentum
Phase 1: We ask three out of the children to sit on the roundabout and hold tight, and the remaining two children to spin the roundabout.

Phase 2: The roundabout is now travelling at 30 mph, and the children pushing the roundabout are beginning to perspire.

Phase 3: When the roundabout is spinning quite fast at 60 mph, the children on the roundabout are beginning to become frightened. They cry out, “Stop! Stop! Please slow down!”

Phase 4: When the roundabout begins to spin much faster at 100mph, such is the gravitational forces on the children sitting on the roundabout that they all fly off the roundabout.

Phase 5: Because of the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum the children will all fly off the roundabout moving in the same direction as the roundabout. If the roundabout was rotating clockwise, the children will also be rotating clockwise. 

 The Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum can now be applied to the Big Bang Theory

the big bang theory– In the case of the Big Bang Theory the “singularity” was supposed to have spun very fast, and then exploded in a frictionless environment, which the Universe must have been if all the matter was concentrated at one point.

– According to the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum, all the planets should spin in the same direction.

– We know from observation of the planets in our Solar System that the planets Venus, Uranus and possibly Pluto spin in the opposite direction to the other six planets.

– In addition to that, there are 63 known moons of the planets. Of these moons, six spin in the opposite direction to the remaining 57.

– In our Solar System, three of the planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, have moons orbiting in both directions.

– The above facts are quoted from “Astronomical Almanac for the year 1989″ (Wash. DC U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989) p. E88.

– From the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum we can see that if our Solar System evolved spontaneously by a Big Bang, all the moons should orbit their planets in the same direction.

– The only exception to this would be if they encountered a large mass, such as another planet.

– However, this event should certainly have left a crater, which it would have been observed by astronomers.

– Observations of our Solar System do NOT support the big Bang Theory.

Difference of angular momentum of the Sun and the planets 

The Sun actually spins very much more slowly than the planets. This certainly does not support the Big Bang Theory, as explained in the following quotation:

“This (Angular Momentum) would have caused the Sun to spin very rapidly. Actually, our Sun spins very slowly, while the planets move very rapidly around the Sun. In fact, although the Sun has over 99% of the mass of the solar system, it has only 2% of the angular momentum. This pattern is directly opposite to the pattern predicted for the nebular hypothesis.” Quoted from Dr. H. Reeves “The Origin of the Solar System“, in “The Origin of the Solar System”, Dermott, S.F. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York p. 9, 1978.

Evolutionist cannot explain the angular momentum of the Solar System

“The ultimate origin of the solar system’s angular momentum remains obscure.” Quoted from solar system Evolutionist scientist, Dr. Stuart Ross Taylor, “Solar System Evolution, A New Perspective,” Cambridge University Press, p. 53, 1992, Dr. Stuart Ross Taylor.

conservation of angular momentum

Conservation of Angular Momentum

The Milky Way is “lumpy” 
If the Big Bang Theory were true, the planets would all spin in the same direction, and the matter would be evenly distributed through the Solar System. Instead it is “lumpy”. Throughout the Milky Way there are clusters of stars, then great areas of empty space. This subject is discussed in detail in “Creation Ex Nihilo Dec. 99, p. 8″.

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